Use service design thinking to deliver marketing ROI Part 3: asking the right questions

Padma Gillen, 11 september 2024

Step 2: Answer these 4 questions before you try to implement any changes


Research by McKinsey shows that a full 70% of transformation programmes fail. And I’ve written elsewhere about why digital transformation is hard.


If you want to improve customer experience, it’s not just about changing your website. It will likely also require changes in:

  • the product or service itself
  • the way teams within the organisation work together
  • the way you create and publish content

(In other words, transformation.)


A good service design agency (like Llibertat) will act as your digital partner, your mentor and your coach to help you avoid the pitfalls and achieve your goals.

Four questions to ask after completing your customer journey map

Once you’ve done the initial research and developed your journey map, but before you dive into implementation planning, here are four important questions to answer:

  1. What contracts are in place, and how long before they can be changed?
    For example, if there’s a five-year contract on the current (awful) content management system (CMS), what can we do to deliver the best possible customer experience with the existing CMS?

  3. What’s the current operations design? To what extent, and how quickly could it be improved?
    Are different teams using their own budget to hire external agencies to build their own websites rather than working with the in-house central team? How can you change this?

  5. What are the skills inside the organisation (or in the supply chain) and how could they be used differently to improve the service?
    There are often choices to be made about whether to develop the skills in house or outsource elements of the job to outside experts.

  7. Who are the stakeholders and how do we include them in a way that aids implementation?
    As Peter Drucker said (allegedly) “Culture eats strategy for breakfast”. Identify who needs to be on board and how you’ll get them on board.

If you’re currently looking at improving your customer experience and you’d like some help, get in touch with one of our senior consultants for an initial chat.