Lead with Content formats
Photo of Padma


From user needs, getting the right people in place, workflow and governance, this book will help you get ready to transform your content operations.

  • Written by Padma Gillen from Llibertat
  • Lead with Content is about the vital role of content strategy in digital transformation and vice versa.
  • If content isn’t put first, projects and organisations don’t end up doing so well. This book is an antidote to ‘content last’ experiences and ways of working.
  • It’s less about what order the words should go in, using bullet lists or the benefits of subtitles. Instead, it discusses the organisational processes and the systems and rules you need to ensure your organisation is capable of producing quality content in a sustainable way.


“If you need to help your organisation understand the value of user-centred content and show them how content-first will save them time and money, this book will help you bring your organisation with you”
— Sarah Winters
Author of Content Design


Photo of the digital transformation team at the University of Southampton

Webinar: Organising your content team


Alsation dog lying down and talk title

Conference: Selling content design to your boss

At the National Congress Digitale Toegankelijkheid, Netherlands, 2023, Padma discusses strategies to convince your boss to switch to content design.


Padma Gillen speaking

Padma was Head of Content Design at the Government Digital Service (GDS). He had overall responsibility for the quality of content on GOV.UK, the award-winning website of the UK Government.

Padma’s GOV.UK posts include:



OneWeb is the digital transformation programme we’re working on with the University of Southampton. Led by Padma, Llibertat provided the team that helped the University of Southampton design, plan and deliver their multimillion pound digital transformation programme, OneWeb.
Padma worked on the programme from its initial conception. We now also have several delivery teams working alongside university staff to deliver the programme.
In 2019 Llibertat and the University of Southampton won the ContentEd award for Excellence in Content Strategy. ‍In 2021, we helped the university win 3 out of 6 awards – for user focus, collaboration and again for excellence in content strategy – and again in 2022 for ‘Best overall approach to content strategy and content design’.

User needs, content design and culture change: Digital transformation at the University of Southampton – Institutional Web Management Workshop (IWMW) 2018 conference


Picture of headphones and title content in practice


On this Content in Practice podcast, Padma Gillen talks about successful digital transformations and the success of GOV.UK.

Produced by Kathy Wagner and Blaine Kyllo, theme music by  Lee Rosevere.


Padma Gillen, former Head of Content Design at the UK’s Government Digital Service, introduces the principles and practice of content design. He explains what makes good content design and what makes a good content designer.